Protection of personal data

The site  edited by Expertise France processes, within the framework of its activities, personal data concerning you. Expertise France is data controller for the processing of data processed on its site.
We attach the greatest importance to the protection and confidentiality of your personal data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
As such, Expertise France wishes to communicate to users of the Site and the Tool (hereinafter referred to as the User(s)) the following information concerning the processing of their Personal Data

1. Framework for the use of personal data

Expertise France processes personal data only for specific purposes. In order to ensure greater transparency, we share a list of the purposes of the main processes that may concern you. This personal data in connection with the use of the site and the services are generally processed for the following purposes:

a) When you subscribe to our newsletter

General: When you register on our website to receive our newsletters, the data you enter in the registration form is processed as part of the management of our information offer.
The purposes or sub-purposes pursued are therefore the following:
– Managing newsletter subscriptions;
– Management of electronic newsletters;
– Development of statistics on services provided and ad hoc surveys to improve our information services;
Categories of data: For these purposes, we need, among other things, your registration data for our newsletter (name, email address), your usage data for our services, etc.
Legal basis for processing: Expertise France processes your data for the purposes of legitimate interests to share and promote all the activities of its IORIS project, pursuant to article 6.1.f of the European Data Protection Regulation.

b) When we conduct statistical studies and audience measurements on our website

General: in order to establish volumes of attendance (content visited, routes, etc.) and to evaluate them, we use the data of the users of our website to establish statistics and to count the visitors of a page in particular using cookies and similar technologies (see cookies policy). They help us identify the most/least visited pages and evaluate how visitors navigate the site.
Categories of data: we may collect, using our cookies, data relating to the navigation on our website (timestamp, IP address of users, technical data relating to the equipment and the browser used by users, cookies), audience statistics and usage of our site. All information collected by our cookies is then anonymised.
Legal basis of the processing: the legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Expertise France to follow the activity of its website. : la base légale de ce traitement est l’intérêt légitime d’Expertise France à suivre l’activité de son site internet.

c) When we collect personal data necessary to improve the user experience

General: In order to simplify the use of our online services and to offer you an optimal experience, we can analyze the number of visits, the sources of traffic, detect navigation problems. For example, our goal is to evaluate how visitors navigate the site in order to measure and improve the performance of our website.
Categories of data: For this purpose, we may collect data related to the navigation of our website using our cookies. All information collected by our cookies is then anonymised.
Legal basis for processing: The legal basis for this processing is Expertise France’s legitimate interest in improving the user experience on its site.

2. Who has access to your data?

Your data are only accessible to Expertise France employees who have a vocation to have access to it as part of their mission. The data collected may be communicated as necessary to third parties (partners, subcontractors and service providers of the Expertise France). This sharing of information is carried out only to the extent necessary to carry out the tasks we entrust to these third parties.
In addition, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, we may be required to disclose personal information to administrative or judicial authorities upon written request, motivated by the legislative texts underlying the right of communication.

3. Transfer of personal data outside the European Union

Personal data may, in the course of operations, be disclosed to subcontractors established in a country outside the European Union. These entities perform on behalf of Expertise France
certain material and technical tasks essential to the purposes of processing as described above. This transfer is governed by appropriate security and control measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. In some cases, these subcontractors may be located in countries not covered by an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission; data transfers to these subcontractors are governed by contractsmodels developed by the European Commission. The details of these rules and the information relating to the transfer are available upon request to the French Data Protection Officer.

4. Our commitments

Our goal is to always keep your personal data in the safest and most secure way, and only for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing. In this perspective, Expertise France undertakes to implement all technical and organisational measures designed to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data collected and processed and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or disclosed to unauthorized third parties, ensuring a level of security appropriate to the risks related to the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected.
Expertise France undertakes to collect only the data strictly necessary for the direct or indirect performance of the subscribed services when they require to process the personal data of users. In the event that you are asked for optional data, Expertise France will clearly inform you about the Personal Data essential to the performance of the subscribed service.

The Personal Data is collected directly from you and is only used for the purposes that have been brought to your attention.
Expertise France does not commercialize the data collected as part of its activities.

5. Rights of data subjects

In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” no. 78-17 of 06 January 1978 as amended and with the European Regulation 2016/679, you may, at any time, exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and portability of information concerning you, as well as your rights of limitation and opposition to the processing of your data. To exercise your rights, or for any question related to your personal data, you can write to the Personal Data Protection Officer of Expertise France:
We remind you that you have the right to appeal to a national supervisory authority such as the CNIL in the event of a breach of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

For more information, please consult our “Expertise France Privacy Policy“.